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Tobacco Tactics


Charlie Miller


Tobacco Tactics, University of Bath

Tobacco Tactics are another repeat client for us. They provide rigorous research on the tobacco industry.

Tobacco Tactics Animation

With a script provided by Tobacco Tactics, we created an animation that highlights the Tobacco Industry’s use of corporate social responsibility during the Covid pandemic.

Tobacco Tactics Animation
Tobacco Tactics Animation

When creating the designs for the animation, we wanted it to work seamlessly with the aesthetic of the Tobacco Tactics website,  as that is where it would be showcased. We utilised their colour palette, textural approach to artwork and their font style.

Tobacco Tactics Animation
Tobacco Tactics Animation
Tobacco Tactics Animation


Design, storyboarding, animatic, creative direction, art direction, animation, compositing, edit, voice over, sound design.


 1 x 1:50 minute animation. Delivered in 1920x1080, 25fps, H.264 compressed .MP4 file.